Can any content provider use International Premiums services?
How do I get started?
We cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes; whether for corporate or individual need, Azure Telecom will help you find creative solutions to increase your income.
You can contact our sales team at, prior to completing the application form, and get all the needed information to find the best solution for your business. Applications usually take an average of 24 hours to be processed so your numbers will be ready for use.
How do payments work?
Is the payment schedule flexible?
You will receive the funds by wire transfer directly to your bank account.
At Azure Telecom, we schedule payments based on your requests; you can choose daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly payment – when you select the monthly payment, you will receive the highest payouts.
Do all numbers work from all countries?
How does the report and statistics panel work?
The Premium Rate Numbers we offer have access from different countries; the best way to find out is to call the test numbers from the ‘International Premium Numbers’ section. Our team will assist you to find the best working solution for your business model.
You will be granted a user name and password to log in to our online panel where you can manage your numbers and control your reports of minutes and revenue online in-real time.